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Creating a custom set of Icons

Why a custom set of icons? why not find a library? Because, libraries we could find were NOT sufficient to communicate the many different things we needed to communicate.

Another reason for custom is that the marketing department had already created a custom set of basic icons for the brand. So rather than creating a whole brand new set, I was able to use the icons we had, but suppliment the library with what this project needed.

The Process


3 main questions need to be addressed. and here is how I address them.

1. What icons are needed?
Build a list based on what is known to be needed.

2. How will they be used?
By doing this we find gaps in the known library and fill those in.
Are we using it for all unit types, amenities and activities?

3. Where will they be used?
Again, by doing this we find more needs to fill. examples might be that custom maps are being made.

Creation of Icons

Because we are aligning to a custom gallery of icons it is important to use the same building guidlines and to get them approved with the marketing team.

Document and Implimentation

At this point we added our icons to Airtable and exported them as SVGs which were made available to the development teams. Later it was then put into a font that could be added to any product as a part of the design system.

How they were used

(1) To reference type of Amenities available 
(2) To reference Features of a property
(3) To be used in place of a photograph when no photograph is available.